Predicting Who Holds EVERY WWE Title At The End Of 2023

9. NXT Championship

Damian Priest Charlotte Flair

Current Champion: Carmelo Hayes

Who Will Hold It: Baron Corbin

Some of you just got acid reflux reading that.

Oh yes, this writer thinks WWE will stick the NXT Championship on one Baron Corbin before the end of 2023. He didn't move to the third brand permanently just to see the sights - ol' Corbs is there because management believes he can make a difference to the show heading into the new year.

Current champ Carmelo Hayes also won't be on NXT for too much longer anyway. He's been linked with a jump to Raw or SmackDown for a while now, and it'd be neat if WWE had him drop the belt on his way out rather than awkwardly showing up and launching into a main roster feud before losing NXT suddenly in a rush.

Baron holding the belt for a while would inevitably lead to some young buck (ahem) stepping up to cement their top line status. That push could be worth seeing, and it'd put more egg on Corbin's face. WWE writers adore doing that.

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Roman Reigns
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.