Predicting Who Holds EVERY WWE Title At The End Of 2023

6. United States Title

Damian Priest Charlotte Flair

Current Champion: Austin Theory

Who Will Hold It: LA Knight

There seems to be a swelling show of hands on social media to cut Austin Theory's United States Title reign down. People on Twitter are not keen on Theory, but it all seems terribly unfair. He's doing the best with afterthought WWE booking, and doesn't deserve the hate that comes his way.

LA Knight will totally pin him and an arena will boom with cheers though.

Triple H's recent words about Knight suggest WWE plans to take the patient approach with him. However, there'd be nothing wrong with sticking the US strap on the guy and seeing if he can work similar magic to the kind GUNTHER has done as Intercontinental main man.

LA is over, and he will need a tangible show of support from creative before the end of 2023. He'd be ideal as United States champion, especially if the feud with Austin continued into the new year. Let these boys show what they're capable of, please.

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