Predicting Who Holds EVERY WWE Title At The End Of 2023

5. Intercontinental Title

Damian Priest Charlotte Flair

Current Champion: GUNTHER

Who Will Hold It: Drew McIntyre

GUNTHER is well on track to beating Honky Tonk Man's 454-day reign as Intercontinental titleholder. The Imperium leader is currently only a few weeks from besting Randy Savage (414 days) and Pedro Morales (425) on the all-time list, and it'd be cruel to stop him short now.

WWE will probs take the belt off of GUNTHER once he beats Honky's record, and the prediction here is that it'll be used as an olive branch for Drew McIntyre. Triple H is desperate to tie the big man down to a lengthy contract, and a featured spot as IC Champ on several big 2024 PLEs could be just the ticket.

Ideally, McIntyre would eventually turn heel and continue the good work started by his predecessor too. He's long overdue a rogue run on this roster, and heel Drew would be bags of fun on episodes of Raw. That'd feel fresh in the new year.

A Christmassy title change, maybe?

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Roman Reigns
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