Predicting WWE's WrestleMania 34 Card (One Year Out)

3. Roman Reigns Vs. Brock Lesnar (WWE Universal Title)

Seth Rollins Kurt Angle WrestleMania 34

This is the match reported by The Wrestling Observer as one already doing the rounds during WWE creative meetings as a proposed headliner for WrestleMania 34, and it throws up some interesting possibilities.

It's generally considered that Brock Lesnar will finally slay Bill Goldberg and become WWE Universal Champ at 'Mania 33. On the same show, there's every chance that Roman Reigns will come out on top against The Undertaker and begin his march towards a full-blown heel turn.

The fly in that ointment comes with the Observer's claim that WWE officials plan on turning Reigns into the "next John Cena"; despite relentless pressure and booing from a section of the core audience, Cena hasn't been heel in over a decade.

Should WWE wish to supplant Cena with Reigns, they must be careful, because Roman doesn't have that same sugary-sweet appeal the current poster boy does.

WWE have already headlined WrestleMania with Reigns vs. Lesnar in 2015 too, so switching each man's alignment (Roman being heel and Brock being babyface by default) would be a logical move for this repeat main event.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.