Predicting WWE's WrestleMania XL Cards 1 Year Out

1. Roman Reigns Vs. The Rock

WWE WrestleMania XL 40 Roman Reigns The Rock

There are those who don't think WWE putting The Rock and Roman Reigns in a ring together "would be a good idea". That's genuinely something this guy has read on social media over the past few days, and it's a head-scratcher. Does that person realise just how much attention Dwayne Johnson commands?

It's a no-brainer.

No, Rocky might not be the one to end Roman's Undisputed Title reign (split those titles and distribute them to hardworking full-timers instead), but he absolutely should have a match with his cousin. WrestleMania XL is the right time to make that a reality - that'd give Dwayne a chance to free up time on his busy schedule too.

Who cares if Rock would be booed by WWE hardcores when the bell rings? He's been there before, and the marquee value of the bout is worth doing just for the posters and promos alone. This would be a fine headliner for either night, being honest.

What matches do you think could be on WWE's WrestleMania XL card? For more like this, check out 10 Things Post-WrestleMania 39 Raw Told Us About WWE's Future and 10 MAJOR Changes Coming To WWE Following UFC Merger!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.