Ranking 10 NXT Call-Ups That Must Happen

5. Nikki Cross - 5/10

aleistar black

The WWE's women's divisions have one thing missing, and that's a competitor who is utterly crazy. The heels are on the catty mean girl side, without nearly enough homicidal mania to spice things up.

As the biggest nutcase in SAnitY, Nikki Cross has projected her pungent bonkersness with minimal microphone time, and though she hasn't had too many opportunities to shine, her Last Woman Standing match with Asuka was one of the best WWE matches on any brand this year.

Nikki's diminutive size just makes her seem crazier, and Alexa Bliss has shown a woman can get by in the WWE being five foot nothing. Once proven a little more, Nikki would make a logical addition to the main roster where she could feud with just about anyone, and potentially hold a title through the nutcase's potential to beat anyone (also known as the Dean Ambrose method).

The women's scene has few natural heels, and if Nikki's anything, she's a ready-made bad guy for anyone who needs a feud.

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Ben Counter is a fantasy and science fiction writer, gaming enthusiast, wrestling fan and miniature painting guru. He was raised on Warhammer, Star Wars and 1980s cartoons that, in retrospect, were't that good. Whoever you are, he is nerdier than you.