Ranking 10 WCW Stars' First Major WWE Matches

2. Lance Storm (vs. Edge) - SummerSlam 2001

Being serious for a minute, Lance Storm was never going to break into the WWE main event scene. The fact that just a short while after his debut, the company handed him a storyline during which he was - on air - described as 'boring' by announcers and fellow wrestlers shows you where his chances stood on headlining Wrestlemania. Regardless, everyone has their place on the card, and Storm's position in WWE was to consistently produce excellent matches. Along with his partner, Mike Awesome, the guy had opened up the InVasion Pay-Per-View nicely, in a well-received tag match against Edge & Christian, but it wasn't until Summerslam that he really got to show what he could do. Having captured the Intercontinental Title from Albert a few weeks before the big event, Storm met Edge in the Summerslam opener, and the pair had a blinding match which set the tone for the rest of the show. Storm and Edge, both fellow Canadians, had been friends for years, and their natural chemistry and aptitude for putting on a great match showed here. Again, when fans discuss great Intercontinental Title bouts, this one often flies under the radar a little.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.