Ranking All 2015 WWE PPVs From Worst To Best

8. Royal Rumble (January 25th)

Best Match: Brock Lesnar vs. Seth Rollins vs. John Cena Worst Match: The Ascension vs. The New Age Outlaws This is a difficult one to grade, mainly because it was an abhorrent 2.5 hours of wrestling mixed in with what is, in my opinion the hands down winner for best match of the year. The Royal Rumble is always the second most anticipated event on the WWE slate, as it's such a fun concept that allows us to see all of our favorites in action and interacting all at once while also providing us with the direction for WrestleMania. But for the second year in a row WWE sh*t the bed when it came to the handling of the 30-man rumble. Much has been written and said about the decision to not only have Roman Reigns win in front of a hostile Philadelphia crowd but to include Daniel Bryan in the match as well. It's not even so much that he was in the bout; it's more so the way he was so nonchalantly and unceremoniously dumped out of the ring by Bray Wyatt like he was some random jobber. An exit worthy of Fandango, not the most popular star in the company. Once that happened the match was all downhill from there. The final two in the ring with Reigns were Kane and The Big Show and he didn't even win via a strong showing but rather he came off looking lucky to have escaped with his hand raised. The inclusion of Diamond Dallas Page and Bubba Dudley was awesome but there were less legends this year, and the action in the rumble was slow and plodding. The rest of the card was made of up run-of-the-mill tag matches that I can't even remember without looking them up, so they must not have mattered much. That main event though, that was something else. The match of the year that was 22 minutes of nonstop action, thrills and breathtaking nearfalls; it really helped put Seth Rollins on the map as a major singles player. Seeing Lesnar interact with someone other than the usual suspects he'd been booked against since his return was fantastic, and Rollins delivered in a huge spot. Cena showed why he's called "Big Match John" carrying his end of the triple threat, and everything about this match, especially the finishing sequence was amazing. Unfortunately it was akin to a beautiful lone flower growing in a field full of cow patties.

Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.