Ranking All Of The Undertaker Vs. Brock Lesnar WWE Matches From Worst To Best

3. Hell In A Cell 2015 (Hell In A Cell Match)

Undertaker Brock Lesnar WrestleMania XXX

The match between The Undertaker and Brock Lesnar at Hell In A Cell 2015 had a lot to live up to. For starters, it had to conclude the pair's legendary feud in an appropriately brutal environment and ultimately prove itself as a more worthy finisher than their epic SummerSlam bout. However, it also had to contend with the fact that these two put on an absolute barn-burner inside the cell 13 years prior to this.

In spite of all that pressure, the titanic duo delivered what was arguably the best of the 2010s chapter of their feud and, in the process, finally gifted the Hell In A Cell PPV with a match worthy of the structure

The two worked a completely different type of match inside the Devil's Playground from the one they did in 2002 because they were very much telling a different story. This wasn't about championships and making a name for themselves, it was about two big lions battling their greatest foe in a bid to claim ultimate supremacy.

It was brutal, barbaric and, yes, even a little bit bloody (a refreshing change from the stipulation's PG-era matches). It was, without question, the best Hell In A Cell match of the decade.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.