Ranking Every Triple H WrestleMania Match From Worst To Best

16. Vs. Randy Orton - WrestleMania XXV

Triple H Wrestlemania 18

Finally bringing together a blow-off that was once pitched to go down some four years earlier, a build that promised so much unfortunately couldn't entirely follow through with the goods on the night of the 25th iteration of the jam-packed mega show.

Settling into the snake-ish heel shoes that would elevate him into the number one piece of sh*t in the company, Randy Orton undoubtedly acted as the perfect foil for this fighting son-in-law in WrestleMania 25's main event. And The Viper's eating of his own punt was the stuff of selling perfection. It's just a shame said throwdown had to follow arguably the greatest bout in the event's history... and with an if Triple H got DQ'd or counted out then he'd lose the WWE title strap stip, no less.

Said perfect storm of outside circumstances and eventual flat finale didn't take anything away from the hilarious home invasion and sight of the McMahons joining forces with The Game to beat the p*ss out of Legacy in the lead-up, however. And while the execution of the blood-feud ending left a lot to be desired, the right person won on the night and provided Trips with another milestone visual to add to his ever-growing collection.

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Triple H
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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...