Ranking Every Undertaker Championship Win From Worst To Best

5. WWF World Heavyweight Champion – 1997

Undertaker WrestleMania 24

Again, this should have been a crowning moment, THE crowning moment for the Undertaker. But due to lackluster booking and storytelling it became infamous for one of the most underwhelming WrestleMania main events ever.

At WrestleMania 13, the Undertaker was challenging then WWF Champion Pyscho Sid in a No DQ match for the title. It looked decent enough on paper. Two vicious competitors in an anything-goes environment had the potential to be a perfect storm. Unfortunately, there were just too many things wrong with the story here.

It was weird and convoluted from the get-go. Bret Hart won the title in a Fatal Four Way Elimination match by last eliminating Taker. He then lost it the very next night to Sid after interference from Steve Austin who was his arch-nemesis at the time. A final Steel Cage Match between Hart and Sid saw interference from Taker and Austin as they tried to help their respective rivals win.

Once the confusion settled, Sid remained the champ and faced Taker in the ‘Mania main event. Unfortunately, they were tasked with following the Hart-Austin Submissions Match classic and the slow lumbering pace of the bout all but killed its chances of being a hit with the audience. It even ended with a screwy finish as a newly heel Hart helped Taker win. This could have been so much more, but bad booking prevented that.


After battling Galactus and pinning Hulk Hogan in the main event of Wrestlemania, I've taken a break from living in fantasy worlds, to focus on writing about them. I'm a comic book geek, a wrestling mark, a break dancer, and a scientist. One of those things may not be true.