Ranking Every WCW Champion In History - From Worst To Best

16. Sid Vicious

Goldberg WCW Champion

Sid Vicious was by no means a better wrestler than Benoit, but within the context of WCW title reigns, I feel like he’s deserving of a slightly higher placing on this list.

Vicious managed to win the WCW World Heavyweight Championship on two occasions, although in hindsight the two instances came in such quick succession that it kind of felt like a single reign.

The first win arrived on the Jan. 24, 2000 showing of Nitro. Having beaten Don Harris to earn himself a match with Kevin Nash for the vacant belt, Vicious would eventually score the decisive pinfall after Nash was struck with a guitar. However, the following night on Thunder, Nash pointed out that Vicious had in fact pinned the Ron Harris, who’d craftily pulled the old switcheroo with his brother, and so his title win was nullified.

Not to be disheartened though, he’d regain the belt before the end of the night to commence his second reign in as many days. This stint would last rather longer though; 76 days to be precise, before yet another title vacation, this time due to a “reboot” of the company.

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WCW Goldberg
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