Ranking Every WWE Grand Slam Champion Based On Their Legacy

9. Eddie Guerrero

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Titles: WWE Champion, Tag Team Champion, Intercontinental Champion, European Champion, United States Champion

Eddie Guerrero may not have been your cup of tea during his time with WWE - embodying dozens of racial stereotypes and bouncing around from one ridiculous storyline to the next - but dammit, Latino Heat has one of the most impressive resumés of anybody on this list.

His mic skills fell somewhere in the fantastically obnoxious range, with his ability to bait the audience into his shenanigans second-to-none during his prime.

More importantly, however, Guerrero was always a believable and industrious champion. Going back through the WWE vaults to find a bad Eddie Guerrero match is like trying to find a needle in a haystack while blindfolded and constantly soiling yourself. It's...not easy.

And although most performers tend to step up their game when the belt is on the line, Eddie's ability to raise the stakes in a title match was uncanny. It's a shame that he didn't have more opportunities to go after the WWE Championship, but it's nearly impossible to forget the night he captured the title at WrestleMania XX.

He's also easily one of the top three European Champions of all time.

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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.