Ranking Every WWE Grand Slam Champion Based On Their Legacy

8. Jeff Hardy

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Titles: WWE Champion, World Heavyweight Champion, Tag Team Champion, Intercontinental Champion, European Champion, Hardcore Champion

For most of his career in the WWE, Jeff Hardy was digging the tag team division out of the slums it had found itself in following the atrocities of the New Generation Era. The Hardy Boyz impact on the division - innovating daredevil offence while resurrecting/improving on the ladder match - is still being felt today. (You can thank Jeff for those Money in the Bank matches, as his dramatic dangling high above the ring at WrestleMania 17 surely made a light go off in Vince McMahon's head.)

There were plenty of fans who found it difficult to take Jeff Hardy seriously as a singles competitor, let alone as someone who could carry the company as the WWE Champion. But one match against The Undertaker (a ladder match, naturally), changed all that.

After a gruelling fight against The American Badass, Hardy refused to lay down and accept defeat. It was a highly significant moment for the young high-flyer, and the perfect analogy for his difficult ascension in the company.

Hardy found a way to make his extreme style of wrestling a main event attraction, becoming a three-time World Champion in the process.

Even though he's not always given credit for it, Jeff Hardy is one of the biggest underdog champions in the history of the WWE Championship, and his climb to the top should be looked back upon glowingly for years to come.

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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.