Ranking Every WWE Grand Slam Champion Based On Their Legacy

7. Daniel Bryan

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Titles: WWE Champion, World Heavyweight Champion, Tag Team Champion, Intercontinental Champion, United States Champion

Yes, yes, yes, Daniel Bryan is technically a Grand Slam Champion, securing his place in WWE lore by winning the Intercontinental Championship at WrestleMania 31.

And even though his short, injury-laden career kept him chasing titles more often than it allowed him to actually wear them, Bryan and his inexplicably successful Yes Movement will always be remembered for his massive heart, his underdog career arc, and his involvement with the fans.

Will anyone be able to forget the night he achieved the impossible, overcoming Triple H, Randy Orton, Batista, heaps of backstage politics, and WWE's dogged refusal to listen to their fans' wants all in a single night to nab his first legitimate WWE Championship reign at WrestleMania XXX?

Or how about the time he beat John Cena clean? Or Occupy Raw? Or even his strangely wonderful pairing with Kane? Those things firmly cemented Bryan as a WWE legend, even if he also had his share of unpleasant moments in the company - like losing the World Heavyweight Championship in 18 seconds.

Still, even if Bryan really does stay retired, he can at least rest assured that he accomplished plenty in his relatively short time with the company.

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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.