Ranking Every WWE Grand Slam Champion Based On Their Legacy

6. Kurt Angle

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Titles: WWE Champion, World Heavyweight Champion, Tag Team Champion, Intercontinental Champion, European Champion, Hardcore Champion, United States Champion

Kurt Angle maintained one of the most entertaining and unexpected career arcs of any WWE Superstar of the Attitude Era. Coming into the company as American's Golden Boy, the Olympic Gold Medalist eventually proved himself to be one sadistic, badass dude by competing in several brutal matches.

He played the super serious, super annoying Hulk Hogan wannabe quite well upon his arrival in the WWE - even reciting a similar mantra about working hard and using "intensity, integrity, and intelligence" to achieve your dreams - but Angle was always more satisfying when he was out for blood, trying to snap his opponents' ankles in half.

Kurt Angle achieved amazing things in only eight years with the WWE. He won both the European and Intercontinental Championships just three months after his debut. He became the King of the Ring in 2000, the very first time he was eligible for the tournament. He also became the World Heavyweight Champion during his first year with the company.

In-ring ability aside, Angle was also involved in some of the greatest non-wrestling moments of the Attitude Era, including the infamous milk bath on Stone Cold and the Alliance.

But perhaps his greatest accomplishment was proving that characters can constantly evolve and that no performer should ever feel stuck in their persona.

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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.