Ranking Every WWE PPVs From 2017 (So Far)

5. Great Balls Of Fire

John Cena AJ Styles Royal Rumble

Is it the strangest name for a PPV in WWE history? Absolutely. Was it a serviceable show regardless? Definitely.

Featuring standouts such as the 30-minute iron man tag match and Strowman/Reigns in an Ambulance match, the show was buoyed by surprisingly good encounters between Seth Rollins and Bray Wyatt and Sasha Banks/Alexa Bliss for the women’s title (lame count-out aside for the latter).

Really, the fatal flaw with the show was the pacing, as it felt like everything went on for too long. Obviously, the iron man match was going to be long, but then there was Enzo cutting a typical neverending promo, Cass squashing him in what felt like way too long a squash, and the fire department taking forever to get Strowman out of a crashed ambulance.

All of this could have been time spent toward the main event, in which Brock beat Samoa Joe in around six minutes. In terms of the action we saw, it delivered, but it really needed more time to be something truly great. Still, all things considered, Great Balls of Fire was a fine show, and it's likely we’ll see that ridiculous name for years to come.


A mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in bacon wrapped in wrestling listicles wrapped in tin foil wrapped in seaweed wrapped in gak.