Ranking Every WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match Ever

7. Daniel Bryan vs Kane (Extreme Rules Match) - WWE Extreme Rules 2014

Fresh off the biggest win of his career, Daniel Bryan was slated to face off against Kane. It was a hugely disappointing choice in the eyes of many fans, made worse by the fact that the build-up was less than stellar. Bryan was absent from Raw three weeks before Extreme Rules as he was on his honeymoon, and he was written off TV the following week to give him time to grieve the death of his father. Fans were not expecting a classic, but they surprisingly got a pretty good match. The two ring veterans used the old speed vs power template, and the Extreme Rules stipulation gave them some props to work with. They brawled all over the area, through the backstage area and into the parking lot. Bryan blasted Kane with a tyre iron and then, after realising that he had to pin Kane inside the ring, placed the Big Red Machine on a forklift and drove him back to the ring. Then came the finish that no-one expected €“ Bryan utilised a flaming table (the first in WWE for over eight years) to set up his Running Knee for the finish. Credit goes to both men for getting Bryan€™s championship run on the right track.

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