Ranking Every WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match Ever

6. John Cena vs Randy Orton (Tables, Ladders & Chairs Match) - WWE TLC 2013

Now we go back to where it all began €“ the title unification match between the two poster boys of this generation, Cena and Orton. The feud felt like it was a bit rushed (much like the last unification in 2001) and was only given three weeks of build. During the Championship Ascension ceremony on Raw just six days before the pay-per-view, fans were too interested in cheering for their hometown hero Daniel Bryan to appreciate the significance of the moment; it would be up to Cena and Orton to show the importance of this new championship. The match itself began quickly, with both men utilising the weapons available at ringside. Orton began to dominate before Cena reversed, hitting the Five Knuckle Shuffle off a ladder when he probably could have just grabbed the belts. Cena continued his assault and delivered a huge AA through the announce table. The finish came shortly after as Orton handcuffed Cena to the ropes, only for Cena to unscrew the turnbuckle and begin climbing the ladder. But The Viper blasted him from behind and pushed him through the table, before collecting his prize to end a stellar contest.

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