Ranking Every WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match Ever

5. Brock Lesnar vs John Cena - WWE Night Of Champions 2014

Following Brock Lesnar€™s demolition of John Cena at SummerSlam (more on that later), there was a feeling of genuine unease among fans when Cena invoked his rematch clause just one month later. It was a match that perhaps could have been left until Survivor Series, as many fans were still digesting what they had witnessed the month before. Nevertheless, WWE Network subscription levels (not to mention the PPV name!) had backed WWE into a corner, so we were treated to a rematch at September€™s Night of Champions. The match began much differently to its predecessor: Cena came out of the blocks quickly and hit an early AA for the near-fall. Lesnar responded with some strong knees and a Kimura lock, and followed them up with his patented belly-to-belly and German suplexes. The two traded finishers and Cena appeared to be about to regain his title following a fourth Attitude Adjustment, only to be attacked by Seth Rollins. It was a cheap ending to a good match, but Rollins€™ post-match attempt to cash in his Money in the Bank briefcase on Lesnar provided a great moment.

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