Ranking Every WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match Ever

4. Elimination Chamber Match - WWE Elimination Chamber 2014

Just six weeks before WrestleMania XXX, WWE threw six of its biggest superstars into the Elimination Chamber to compete for the right to walk into the Granddaddy Of €˜Em All as defending champion. There were many underlying feuds here €“ Cena vs Bray Wyatt and Daniel Bryan vs The Authority to name just two. Knowing they had a lot to live up to in following The Shield and The Wyatt Family€™s epic six man tag earlier in the night, Cena, Orton, Bryan, Sheamus, Cesaro and Christian managed to put on a great showing inside the unforgiving structure. Despite the staggered entrances of the superstars, all six men were in the ring when the first elimination occurred; Christian pinned Sheamus following a huge frog splash from on top of a pod, but was then quickly eliminated by Daniel Bryan. Cesaro suffered an AA on the steel and then tapped out to the STF shortly after. Cena€™s attention then turned to Orton, before The Wyatt Family appeared, pummelling Cena and letting Randy Orton pick up the scraps. This left only Orton and the bearded underdog Daniel Bryan. Bryan looked set to win until repeated interference by Kane cost him the title yet again. The crowd were furious but in hindsight, it made sense to hold off his big moment for another month. The match was fast and frenetic, and deserving of the number four spot, but one multi-man gimmick match proved even more exciting€

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