Ranking What Was Really The Best Wrestling Attire Every Year 1990-2021
18. 2004 - Samoa Joe Was
Everything got a bit drab as the 2000s took monopolised, homogenised hold.
Every performer that emerged from developmental did so wearing boots and trunks. This was much the same on the indies, though a reach for legitimacy was better justification than WWE being almost totally bereft of ideas. Gear is nothing without aura, and aura can elevate understated, nondescript gear into something iconic.
Enter Samoa Joe: in making the small decision to wear trunks cut in the UFC vein, he appeared that bit more of a killer legitimately capable of shredding your chest with chops and blackening your shoulder blades with kicks.
He looked like a hard f*cker, and hard f*ckers don't have to dress ostentatiously.