Rebooking WWE Bad Blood 2004 - 7 Ways To Make It Better

4. Trish Stratus Vs. Victoria Vs. Molly Holly - Woman's Championship

In 2004, WWE were trying to make the Women's division about wrestling again. That's why they had the likes of Trish, Victoria, Molly, Lita and Gail Kim go out there, not in bikinis or to 'wrestle' in pudding matches, but to actually compete against each other in straight wrestling matches. Then the Diva Search came along and it was back to bikinis, lingerie pillow fights and sex, sex and more sex. But, hey ho, it was fun while it lasted, right? The three premier workers in the division were undoubtedly Trish, Molly and Victoria, so at this revisited Bad Blood 2004 we're putting them together in a triple threat match. Originally, the match was Trish vs. Victoria vs. Lita vs. Gail Kim, but Lita was inconsistent in the ring and Gail wasn't really over, so it dragged the match down a little. Taking them out and adding Molly would not only make it more coherent, but would also improve the quality of the match. Give it a little more time (seven or eight minutes) but keep the Trish win.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...