Rebooking WWE Bad Blood 2004 - 7 Ways To Make It Better

3. Shawn Michaels Vs. Kane - No.1 Contenders Match

I'm sorry, but is there anyone reading this that actually enjoyed that overlong, self-indulgent Hell in a Cell match between Shawn Michaels and Triple H? Boring as Hell (in a Cell) would be a more accurate description, as they went at it for almost fifty uninspiring minutes before Triple H got the predictable pinfall. Kane, meanwhile, was fed to Chris Benoit. The two had a good David versus Goliath style match, true, but Benoit really should have been closing out the show as Champion (and Kane's aura should have been rebuilt better after a high-profile loss to Edge at Backlash). Both men should have been in the title picture, but neither should have challenged Benoit at Bad Blood. Instead, I'd have the two men go at it in a No.1 Contender's match, with the winner getting a World Heavyweight Title shot at Vengeance. Kane wins, so you can still do the Benoit versus Kane match on PPV, and maybe have the Heartbreak Kid and The Game clash at Vengeance (in a match that lasts a bit less than the 47 minutes they had here).

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...