Rebooking WWE Bad Blood 2004 - 7 Ways To Make It Better

2. Ric Flair Vs. Eugene

It's incredible to think now, but Eugene was one of the most pushed acts in the company in spring/summer 2004. Nick Dinsmore's mentally challenged yet formidable wrestler should have, by rights, been an opening match act but somehow he was mixing it up with the Triple Hs and Chris Benoits of the world. At Bad Blood 2004 he had a risible comedy match with Jonathan Coachman, who was bizarrely being used as a wrestler with increasing frequency. Coach may have excelled behind the mic later in his WWE career, but inside the ring he wasn't up to much. Do you know who was pretty good in the ring? Ric Flair. Even as he approached his late 50s, Flair was still capable of putting in a performance and even stealing the show. In this re-jigged version of Bad Blood 2004, Coachman is taken off the card and replaced with Flair, who wasn't even booked on the show (he interfered in Orton's match with Benjamin). It would still be a comedy match, with an enraged Nature Boy getting increasingly frustrated with his playful foe. Eugene would get the victory after about ten minutes.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...