Rebooking WWE WrestleMania X-Seven's Gimmick Battle Royal For Modern Times

3. Hornswoggle

The Boogeyman

Dylan Postl could cure cancer, end world hunger, and discover a unicorn, but wrestling fans would still know him as "Hornswoggle". From the moment he first appeared dressed as a leprechaun, Hornswoggle was all over WWE programming as their go-to punchline.

Swoggle's segments weren't always perfect - WWE handles comedy about as well as they treat people with disabilities, so this was a double whammy - but he has some truly memorable moments on his resume. He was part of DX, won the Cruiserweight Championship, and who could forget his stint as Mr. McMahon's illegitimate son? Many people have tried to forget it, but no one has succeeded yet.

Hornswoggle would be a great surprise entrant, hiding under the ring to eliminate a much larger opponent with a sneak attack. That joke might be overdone, but Swoggle deserves his place in this match for his countless contributions to the WWE and for putting up with so much garbage during his time there.

Also, everyone knows WWE wouldn't be able to resist putting him in this match if it were to happen, so we may as well just embrace it.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.