Rebooking WWE WrestleMania X-Seven's Gimmick Battle Royal For Modern Times

9. Chris Masters

The Boogeyman

Whilst "big muscly man" may not be considered a gimmick by some - by that logic, 98% of WWE's roster in the '80s were using this "gimmick" - Chris Masters made it a major part of his personality during his run in the WWE between 2005 and 2007.

"The Masterpiece" would flaunt his impressive physique almost every second he was on TV and his "Master Lock Challenge", where contestants would attempt to escape his "unbreakable" Full Nelson hold, was a regular segment on WWE Raw. The Challenge helped make a star out of a young Bobby Lashley, which might explain why he uses a version of the hold today. In reality Vince McMahon probably didn't even consider Chris Masters when giving Lashley the move, but it's a nice story nonetheless.

Despite a relatively short time in the WWE, Masters made quite the impact and was even involved in the WWE title picture for a while. His would be a welcome return to WWE if they could come to an agreement with his current employer, the NWA.

And if Masters needed any help in this match, then maybe he could call on an old tag team partner...


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.