Rebooking WWE WrestleMania X-Seven's Gimmick Battle Royal For Modern Times

8. Carlito

The Boogeyman

Masters' old friend Carlito was tailormade for this match. His full name in WWE was "Carlito Caribbean Cool", for crying out loud - if that doesn't scream "gimmick" then what does?!

Carlito made a huge splash when he first arrived in the WWE, beating John Cena for the United States Championship in his debut match. He would antagonise his opponents with harsh words, and his favoured technique was taking a bite out of an apple before spitting in the face "of people who don't want to be cool".

Everything about Carlito was a gimmick. The apple, his music, even his hair was all part of his character, and the man behind said character had enough charisma to pull off this ridiculous persona with great success. Carlito is a beloved character from the mid-2000s, so much so that he even made a return at the Royal Rumble 2021. He got a huge pop, although so did everyone else as this match was in the Thunderdome...

With an apple in his hand and with Chris Masters at his side, Carlito stands a chance of being one of the most over parts of a redone Gimmick Battle Royal.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.