Rebooking WWE WrestleMania X-Seven's Gimmick Battle Royal For Modern Times

7. The Fashion Police

The Boogeyman

Both Tyler Breeze - the arrogant supermodel - and Fandango - the showboating ballroom dancer - would qualify individually for this match, but the return that fans are most interested in seeing is that of their tag team Breezango - also known as "The Fashion Police".

What began as a seemingly random pairing soon morphed into one of the funniest main roster acts in years as Breeze and Dango won over legions of fans with their chemistry, comic timing, and hilarious "Fashion Files" segments. Whilst neither were particularly outstanding wrestlers, they were somewhat successful as a team, challenging for the SmackDown Tag Team Championships and even winning the NXT ones.

Not only would Breeze and Dango make welcome additions to this match, but they could also be used in the build up to it. "The Fashion Files" would be a great way to announce new acts for the match and watching Breezango interact with some of their goofy counterparts would make for comedy gold.

They may not be on the best of terms with WWE right now (they were only let go in June 2021), but Breeze and Dango's return would be welcomed and, of course, incredibly stylish.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.