Shane McMahon's 9 Most Death-Defying WWE Stunts

4. Coast To Coast Missile Dropkick

Neither of the McMahon's really get the credit they deserve as in-ring performers. Sure, Vince in particular had a bad habit of overselling bumps, and he was never going to put on a wrestling clinic, and he often looked stiff and mildly uncomfortable, but I swear he wasn't as bad as all of this put together makes him sound. Because, like his son, he was always willing and able to go out there and work hard in the ring. And he knew how to make the crowd eat out of his hand using only the most basic move set and a little ring psychology. First and foremost, he wanted to please the audience. If that meant taking a trash can-assisted missile dropkick to the face, then so be it. Like his flying elbow drop through the announce table, this is one of Shane's batshit crazy finishing moves. He's done it no fewer than a dozen times, and every time I'm impressed that the guy is able to get himself all the way across the ring. And to be honest, he made it look even more effortless than Rob Van Dam, the guy who made the move famous. So again, this is something he's done multiple times. But if we're looking at just one example to use, it has to be the epic delivery right into Vinnie Mac's face.
Everything about it is picturesque: The propulsion off the turnbuckle, the steadiness in the air, the way Vince's head whiplashes off the ropes. Complete perfection.

Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.