Sting To WWE: 10 Reasons His Deal Is A Mistake For All Involved

7. Denying A Full Timer

Two men who greatly impressed in WWE last week were Tyson Kidd and Adrian Neville. They contested the most athletic bout of the year and left fans everywhere wanting more. Want to see that kind of action on Raw? Then you better hope WWE doesn't add yet another none wrestling part timer to the roster. At the end of the day, someone like Sting coming in means a spot on the show denied to someone else. You are looking at least a 20 minute segment allocation to Sting. If that's on the same show as another part timer like Brock Lesnar it means over an hour of Raw built around none full time guys. For guys there every week like Kidd it must be a source of frustration, they can't get opportunities around the likes of WrestleMania because TV is clogged up with part time wrestlers. It's a big sore point in WWE and CM Punk famously voiced the issue when The Rock came in for WrestleMania 28. Sting would only be adding to the problem, it would be a mistake to have yet another part timer denying a full time talent the opportunity to grow.
WWE Writer

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