Sting To WWE: 10 Reasons His Deal Is A Mistake For All Involved

4. No Purpose

With The Undertaker match a no go and the GM idea atrocious, what else would you book for Sting? There really isn't that many natural fits in the company for him. It almost feels as if WWE would be scrambling for some sort of role to accommodate him. That's never a good thing. If a talent can't lay claim to a spot on their own merits then they simply shouldn't be featured. Putting Sting within to WWE storylines for no real reason is a wasted effort. His debut shouldn't be done for the sake of it. On Sting's part too, he shouldn't want to come in unless there's a really great idea on the table to work with. Remember when Steve Austin was on the fence about WrestleMania 30? He reiterated he would only come in for a top idea. That ended up being the trinity angle of Austin / Hogan / Rock. That same attitude should apply to Sting, he should be adamant to WWE about only debuting for a compelling reason, otherwise the final part of his career could end on a duff note.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.