Sting To WWE: 10 Reasons His Deal Is A Mistake For All Involved

3. Physical Wear

Like any pro wrestler, Sting is having to live with the consequences of a life spent bumping in the ring. He has worked a thirty year career and that included the 80's period when health care was barely a consideration. One hour matches in old style NWA rings and big bumps have long term consequences, the human body wasn't designed for such strains. Added to this is the fact that Sting admitted to abusing steroids during his initial breakthrough. Both on the inside and the outside, this is a man who is physically worn down. However, it isn't like Sting ever suffered a major injury, neither has he always had the most gruelling schedule. Indeed, at times in WCW and TNA he barely wrestled at all. Regardless, cumulative wear is still a factor and you have to wonder if Sting could realistically put on a top level match at this stage of his career. It would be a mistake to end his career on a subpar match, we can't help but think that someone who has been thirty years wrestling is perhaps just over his expiry date as a contributing talent. WWE is increasingly about athleticism, Sting just physically isn't going to be able to offer that.
WWE Writer

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