Stone Cold Steve Austin's 10 Best Matches Ever

3. Steve Austin vs. The Rock (WrestleMania 17, 2001)

WrestleMania X-Seven was a special event; it would be the first time that the WWF had run a dome for WrestleMania since 1992 (WrestleMania VIII). This wasn't just any dome they would be attempting to sell out, it was the world famous Astrodome in Houston. The last time they had run a dome, there were empty seats all over the place. Even though this was the height of the Attitude Era, there were still skeptics that the WWF would be able to sell out such a large venue. In the same stadium that the "King of Rock and Roll" once sold out, the "King of the Attitude Era" would have no trouble inspiring fans to snatch up all of the tickets to witness him main event WrestleMania in his home state. Outside of a questionable finish, the match was incredible. After a long run as the company's top babyface, it was ruled that it was time for Austin to turn heel. He did so on the biggest stage of them all, in his homestate, in front of one of the biggest crowds in WWF history. Austin joined his arch rival, Vince McMahon, and defeated the Rock to win the WWF title for a fifth time. While the questionable decision to have Austin turn heel at this point in time negatively impacted WWF programming throughout the rest of 2001, the quality of the WrestleMania match between Austin and Rock can not be denied. Out of their three WrestleMania main events together, this was easily the best.

Ryan is a sports fanatic, technology junkie, and avid gamer.