The Greatest Match From Every WWE SummerSlam Ever

16. 2004 - Chris Benoit Vs. Randy Orton

daniel bryan john cena summerslam 2013

The very idea of Randy Orton the plucky underdog sounds ridiculous 16 years down the line, given his many years of successful service, good years and bad. Here, though, he’s young and hungry - and put in the ring against one of the best wrestlers in the world, he proves himself worthy.

Orton has been accused of laziness later in his career, but here he pulls out a lot of innovative offense, matching Benoit move for move. It’s a match in Canada featuring referee Earl Hebner, so as ever they play on the Montreal Screwjob sharpshooter spot, but for the most part this is simply a believable, physical wrestling match.

Benoit’s title run wasn’t what many of us hoped it would be, but he had some great defences, even if there are moments that can be hard to watch in retrospect. He misses a tope in wince inducing circumstances, and rattles his skull when Orton raises a knee against the top rope headbutt.

The finish is an RKO, outta - where else? - nowhere, which was a genuine surprise at the time. As he breaks down in tears, the youngest world title holder in history, it’s a remarkably emotional moment.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ (if you want!)