The Greatest Match From Every WWE SummerSlam Ever

15. 2005 - Rey Mysterio Vs. Eddie Guerrero

daniel bryan john cena summerslam 2013

It’s a shame, perhaps, that this angle was one of the last in Eddie Guerrero’s career. An ongoing feud with Rey Mysterio centred around Guerrero’s assertion that he was the biological father of Rey’s young son was a little too trashy for two of the most reliable wrestlers of the era. Their matches, though, were some of the best the pair had together in WWE.

Props to the performers, who really sell the hatred in this match. Guerrero plays the bully so well, hurling Rey around from the off, but Mysterio’s underdog act is one of the business’ best, and his typically gutsy performance is given added impact by the prize on the line: the custody of Rey’s son.

Yes, the soap opera stuff is over the top, but the mounting heat of the match makes up for it. Guerrero takes a ladder to the face after a baseball slide; he traps Mysterio under the steel then springboards himself onto it.

Late in the match the high spots pile on top of each other, with both superstars hanging, then tumbling from the suspended briefcase full of legal documents. Rey gets the deserved win and the unedifying angle is put to bed, but the bout doesn’t suffer from the silliness.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ (if you want!)