The Greatest Match From Every WWE SummerSlam Ever

14. 2006 - John Cena Vs. Edge

daniel bryan john cena summerslam 2013

Cena and Edge consistently brought the best out of one another, and their careers ran somewhat in tandem, elevating both through some great title matches. Here Edge is at his sneakiest as the Heavyweight champ, with the stipulation in place that he can lose the belt if he’s disqualified.

It’s a stipulation that doesn’t always work because you can have a good guess at how it’s going to end, but they subvert expectations here. Rather than Cena goading Edge into rule breaking, it’s the heel champ who has to suppress his villainous desires in order to keep his title.

The two work a great, fast paced encounter, with Cena in his home state giving his rival a lot of great offence, and their chemistry is already well established with some smart counters, especially a great top rope sequence that’s reversed, then reversed again.

The finish sees Lita sneak Edge the brass knuckles, allowing him to pick up the win with Cena appropriately protected. While they’d have more explosive matches, this one delivers exactly what it needs to: a zippy, smartly booked main event which does a lot for both participants.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ (if you want!)