The Greatest Match From Every WWE SummerSlam Ever

13. 2007 - John Cena Vs. Randy Orton

daniel bryan john cena summerslam 2013

Back before Cena vs. Orton round 3,426 became the default booking decision every time Vince ran out of ideas, it could actually be quite cool to see these two young studs doing battle. They’re in roles as familiar as they come here - Cena values rising above hate and loyalty and whatnot, while Orton is a bad tempered bloke who likes kicking heads - but they’re young, fresh, and talented enough to put on a main event with real big fight feel.

At their best, the two complement each other well - they’re billed as being evenly matched, and trade moves for the majority of the contest. They play to their usual strengths, Cena’s power game against Orton’s methodical style, and the cagey start builds well to give the faster final segment even more impact.

The ending sees both bring out the big guns - the STFU is followed by an RKO (not quite from outta nowhere - it’s pretty routine, this one), then an Attitude Adjustment to go home. These lads could work a variation of this match in their sleep, but this is certainly one of their better encounters, a good ending to a pretty poor SummerSlam.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ (if you want!)