The Greatest Match From Every WWE SummerSlam Ever

11. 2009 - Jeff Hardy Vs. CM Punk

daniel bryan john cena summerslam 2013

The best feud of 2009 came to a phenomenal conclusion in front of a packed out Staples Centre. Under TLC conditions, ideally suited for both Punk and Hardy, two sensational wrestlers and hardcore favourites were given the well earned opportunity to headline a major pay per view, and put on an absolute clinic.

Punk is in one of his deepest heel roles here and reflects that in his offence, hurling Hardy into various bits of steel weaponry and working his stiff martial arts strikes. Hardy is his usual high flying self, the highlight being a Swanton off a colossal ladder; we’ve seen him do it before, but it never gets old.

The two keep pace with each other so well, their familiarity having evolved into an easy chemistry. The match is based more around long term storytelling than traditional TLC high spots, which freshens up the proceedings significantly.

Punk gets the win and the Heavyweight championship in a dramatic finale, leading to a great post-match spot in which the lights dim, then come back on to reveal Undertaker in place of Hardy’s prone body. Both superstars would move onto the next story, but this remains a career highlight feud for both.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ (if you want!)