The Greatest Match From Every WWE SummerSlam Ever

26. 1994 - Bret Hart Vs. Owen Hart

daniel bryan john cena summerslam 2013

This cage match serves as a great counterpoint to the brothers’ show stealing curtain raiser at WrestleMania X. Whereas that was a competitive but respectful technical showcase, this is an all out brawl, a bad tempered personal battle played at breakneck pace.

Bret and Owen barely take their hands off each other for a moment of this 30 minute scrap, hurling one another into the thick blue steel, battling one another stood atop the ropes, taking bump after bump from up high. The conditioning of the men is astounding - the sheer number of times they absorb a winding fall then leap back up leaves you exhausted just watching.

It’s a long match with a multitude of escape attempts, but each one only escalates the tension. Bret often finds himself all but over the top of the structure, only for Owen to sprint up the ropes and claw him back in, and vice versa.

The finish is fantastic - the two battle on the outside, before Owen gets himself trapped, allowing Bret to drop to the floor. There’s a post match beatdown involving Jim Neidhart, ensuring the feud rattles on - you could watch these two fight forever.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ (if you want!)