The Greatest Match From Every WWE WrestleMania

22. WrestleMania XIV: Cactus Jack & Chainsaw Charlie Vs New Age Outlaws

Shawn Michaels Undertaker WrestleMania 25

This is not one for the purists. Fans of technique and those who hate wrestling altogether may find themselves in agreement: Cactus Jack and Chainsaw Charlie (aka Terry Funk) vs the New Age Outlaws in a dumpster match is, quite literally, garbage wrestling.

Anyone who enjoys fun, though, simply cannot dislike this match, You’ve got Foley on the ascendancy, one of the all time great tag teams, the legendary Terry Funk. You’ve got Cactus Jack and Billy Gunn sailing off a ladder into a giant dumpster. The Attitude Era may have officially begun when Stone Cold won the World championship in the main event, but this utter mayhem was a clear sign of things to come.

It has an all time great finish - Funk utilising a forklift truck (which he’s not very good at driving) to tip the DX boys into the bin. It knows precisely what it wants to be - four talented, charismatic stars being daft and violent for our entertainment.

And for all but the most pious of wrestling fans, it’s an unequivocal success.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ (if you want!)