The Greatest Match From Every WWE WrestleMania

27. WrestleMania IX: Steiner Brothers Vs The Headshrinkers

Shawn Michaels Undertaker WrestleMania 25

Much of Wrestlemania IX lands somewhere between silly and downright bad, from Giant Gonzelez to Doink The Clown to Hulk Hogan’s disgraceful spotlight stealing “match” with Yokozuna to cap things off. The Steiner brothers make themselves MVPs simply by taking wrestling really quite seriously.

With their amateur credentials and singlets, they’re the proto-Kurt Angle (only with 1/100th of the charisma), and their tag team bout with the Headshrinkers is a hard hitting and often innovative affair. As Vince McMahon has failed to grasp for years, if you get four great big blokes and have them smash each other to bits, you can’t go too far wrong.

There are some seriously cool spots, like Rick Steiner turning a doomsday device into a powerslam, and the ever-impressive feat of massive Scott Steiner hitting a hurricanrana. For their part the Headshrinkers are booked strong too, and while their gimmick is nothing if not dated, Fatu and Samu play it well.

No one’s saying this is a great WrestleMania match, but it’s a physical and well worked bout with no slow spots. For WrestleMania IX, that’s more than enough to be getting on with.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ (if you want!)