The Many Faces Of Triple H - Ranked From Worst To Best

1. The Game

Triple H 2000

Triple H became a star in late 1999, and up until his injury in 2001, he was arguably the best wrestler in the world. He had a Ric Flair-like quality in that he made all of his opponents look like a million bucks, and he generated a ton of heat with his marriage to Stephanie McMahon in the McMahon-Helmsley era. He was in great matches with Steve Austin, The Rock and Mick Foley and finally turned into the top guy that the company was hoping for.

He was the exact heel that WWE had needed at the time. He was young and hungry, and up for the task of carrying the company on his back. As Austin was badly injured, The Rock eyeing Hollywood, Foley retiring and The Undertaker becoming stale, Hunter stepped up his game and became the WWF’s most valuable player. While he started out at the bottom of the Kliq, he became the most powerful one of them in the business and deserved the role.

While the subsequent years were still great for him, he was never quite the same after his quad injury. He also became a overexposed to various degrees, but his transition into The Game was a blast to watch and was one of the best runs a wrestler has had over the past few decades.


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