The Really Weird Secret WWE Is ACTUALLY About
Adam Pearce was thrust into an as-yet-unnamed role in 2020, following a fairly long stretch in which the format didn't change, but impromptu matches still happened, frequently, and were sanctioned by some unseen entity in the background. Pearce was introduced, ultimately, because the show is more convenient to write when there is somebody around to make matches as punishments. Otherwise, what happens after two sports entertainers talk utter drivel at one another for 10 minutes?
Here's a loose timeline of the latest, lamentable diminished return: Adam Pearce was suddenly asked to grab some signatures for the Payback 2020 Universal Triple Threat match. He subsequently just...existed as a 'WWE Official', taking on the role of a neutral administrator who was overjoyed at the convenient events that allowed him to book matches on the ostensible sporting fixture he hadn't bothered to arrange.
"That gives me a great idea!"
He was assisted in his duties by Sonya Deville in January 2021. Deville started to undermine his decisions and flirted with turning heel, to Pearce's muted consternation. He then turned heel later in the year, following Deville's lead of denying Naomi an opportunity by refusing to allow Drew McIntyre to potentially earn a "championship opportunity".
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