The Rock Says He Wants Cody Rhodes To Be "His" WWE Champion On SmackDown (WWE News)

WWE might be building towards WrestleMania 41 or 42's main event: The Rock vs. Cody Rhodes.

The Rock Cody Rhodes WWE SmackDown

Friday's episode of WWE SmackDown was given an almighty shot in the arm once news spread that The Rock was on the comeback trail and would be there live. Rocky did show up, announced that WrestleMania 42 will take place in New Orleans and then turned his attentions to Cody Rhodes.

Once Rhodes hit the ring, Rock embarked on a lengthy rambling promo about taking Cody to the next level. He said he wants Rhodes to be "his" WWE Champion, but stopped short of calling him 'the people's champ' when referring to how much love fans have for the current incumbent.

There was a definite tease throughout the segment too. Rhodes seemed sure that Rocky wanted a match with him for the WWE Title, but Dwayne reiterated that it's about something else: "I want your soul". The TKO board member then said he'd expect an answer from Cody at Elimination Chamber: Toronto on 1 March, and it looks like Rock will be there live in Canada for another in-ring segment.


During the promo, The Rock added that he's become great friends with Rhodes over the past year or so. A lot of fans weren't happy with how both men interacted during Raw's debut episode on Netflix in early-January, but it seems WWE fancies playing the long game here and suggesting that Rocky is luring Cody into a false sense of security.

'Mania 42 would be the most likely destination for Cody vs. Rock, but fans shouldn't completely rule out 'Mania 41 either. At least, that appears to be what WWE wants you to think, but it's far more plausible that somebody else challenges Rhodes for the WWE Title in Las Vegas this year, then The Rock waits until 2026 for his turn.


The Rock Claims Match With Cody Might Not Take Place

The Rock WWE WrestleMania 41 42 Press Conference Cody Rhodes

More context on the mysterious segment between The Rock and Cody Rhodes was given during WWE's post-show press conference. There, Dwayne gushed with praise for the "crazy world of pro wrestling" style of the segment, but also said there's a chance he might not wrestle Rhodes in the end.


Surely he will.

WWE were either laying the groundwork for one of WrestleMania 42's headliners in New Orleans next year, or they were trying to shoehorn Rock into the chat for 'Mania 41's main event. As aforementioned, the latter is more likely, especially with the quasi-Corporation vibes of The Rock's promo on SmackDown.

He had an air of Corporation-era Vince McMahon about him as he spoke about wanting to make Cody "his" champ. Rock was happy to tease otherwise during the post-show presser, but it'll be full steam ahead towards either his inclusion in Las Vegas this April or a year long build towards Rhodes vs. 'Final Boss' in New Orleans.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood. Jamie started writing for WhatCulture in 2013, and has contributed thousands of articles and YouTube videos since then. He cut his teeth penning published pieces for top UK and European wrestling read Fighting Spirit Magazine (FSM), and also has extensive experience working within the wrestling biz as a manager and commentator for promotions like ICW on WWE Network and WCPW/Defiant since 2010. Further, Jamie also hosted the old Ministry Of Slam podcast, and has interviewed everyone from Steve Austin and Shawn Michaels to Bret Hart and Trish Stratus.