The Undertaker's 10 Greatest WWE Raw Moments Ever
6. The Very First Main Event
The very first main event in the history of WWE RAW really isn't something to be sniffed at. The Undertaker was the man who was given the honour of shepherding it, a clear indication of his standing and value to what was then the World Wrestling Federation. Any first show needs a big name on top of it, and The Undertaker has played that part many times in his career.
Of course, this entire idea is negated by the fact he was taking on Damien Demento in the match. Damien Dementwho more like, yes! Demento looked exactly as you would imagine and was one of those weird otherworldly characters that early 1990s WWF threw up all too frequently.
I think 'threw up' is definitely the operative there.
Who won you ask? Don't ask such preposterous questions. Taker won a short cartoony brawl with the Tombstone Piledriver.