The Undertaker's 10 Best Biker Matches

6. The Undertaker Vs. Kurt Angle (SmackDown, 04/09/03)

The Undertaker 2002 Big Evil SummerSlam
WWE Network

Kurt Angle and The Undertaker are no strangers to each other in the WWE - but it wasn’t until No Way Out 2006 that they delivered what many consider a five star classic.

That match greatly overshadowed their previous, most high profile encounter, when Angle defeated 'Taker at Survivor Series 2000 by using his brother as a decoy. There is one match between these two, however, that sadly gets overlooked.

In 2003, on an edition of Smackdown, Kurt Angle pulled out the best TV performance from The Undertaker in many years. The two traded submissions, aerial moves and a surprising amount of mat wrestling as they fought for nearly twenty minutes before Brock Lesnar interfered. A tantalising teaser for the match at No Way Out, this contest saw 'Taker balance his established move-set with a more technical approach.

With the evolution of the Big Evil character from the more rigid American Bad Ass, Undertaker's mobility greatly improved as did his creativity and work rate. Whereas earlier matches in his biker phase relied on his opponents to carry him more and and a penchant for hardcore spots, between 2002 and 2004 'Taker proved he had the grappling skills, mixed with a new mixed martial arts flare to compete with the best on the roster.

It’s clear to see that the two enjoyed working together and learnt a lot from their time in the ring. Good chemistry is always the foundation to engrossing matches - and it’s plain to see here.


I, Tom the Scourge of Carpathia, the Sorrow of Moldavia, command you! Norfolk based wrestling and movie fan with a tendency to love the ludicrous. You can follow me on twitter @marriott118 and tell me why I am wrong, wrong, WRONG!