The Undertaker's 20 Best Matches Ever

16. Vs. Brock Lesnar (Hell In A Cell 2015)

Undertaker Lesnar Hell in a Cell 2015

Following an unintentionally hilarious laughing spot at SummerSlam 2015, both Brock Lesnar and The Undertaker had some work to do heading into Hell in a Cell. For long time fans, this was a re-run (more on that later), but it was also a great chance for WWE to squeeze some more juice out of a feud that had been one of 2002's best.

One slight negative was the involvement of that pesky doctor who interjected just so he could wipe some blood from Brock's face. Screw that: this is Hell in a Cell. The doc's intrusion didn't kill the flow of the match as such, but it sure didn't help Lesnar and Undertaker stay in the groove. Through their own hard work, both men rescued things.

Special mention must go to the announcers for painting the vivid picture of 'Taker (as the ageing veteran) fighting uphill against one of the best fighters on the planet. That commentary helped sell the danger of the match, and that was further hammered home when Brock nailed the legend with an F-5 onto the exposed ring boards.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.