6. The Rise & Fall Of WCW Would've Happened Without Him

For all the rhetoric concerning WCW's domination in the mid-to-late 90's, everyone seems to neglect to remember that WCW only became so big after then WWF stars jumped ship, and upon their introductions to the fanbase, they were immediately given main event status, which effectively pushed most of the WCW regulars down to at least mid-card level. Now, Sting often gets grouped with the success of WCW, but let's see what actually happened in those years. Let's forget the fact that he took the colours of the main heel faction at the time (that alone was bizarre and seemed quite a pathetic attempt to stay relevant), and have a look at the era circa 1996-98, which was when the company had WWE over the proverbial barrel. After branding himself with nWo colours even though he was a good guy, Sting then went on to create havoc by appearing randomly throughout the arenas with his signature bat, dispensing justice where he saw fit, kind of like the character he ripped off, The Crow. The thing is, he didn't wrestle that whole time; in a 12 month period that spanned through 1996 to 1997, we had him swooping in like Batman (again, sacrilege) to save the day, which I am sorry to say to all of you Stinger fans out there, could have been accomplished by
anyone on the roster. Even Alex Wright. Add to that the fact that he hasn't been at all original with his personas, and this proves to me that even a jobber could have been Sting. He really wasn't "relevant" in any part of any story arc until the nWo disbanded and he joined the Wolfpac, which
again had him changing his colours to match. Are you all blind to this fact that every gimmick he has ever had has not been his own? Obviously you are. His whole career in WCW from 1996 to its demise could've been anyone. Even fake Sting could've pulled that off. The Rise and Fall of WCW would've been exactly the same whether he had been there or not. As for his more recent stylings, I could point out his Heath Ledger's Joker persona, but that is just too easy.