TNA’s 2024 Return: 10 Things That MUST Happen

5. A Retro-Filled One-Off

IMPACT Wrestling

It was smart to showcase a blend of familiar names (Mickie James and Trinity, mainly) with others such as Josh Alexander and Mike Bailey on the "WE'RE BACK" splash. The alternative would've been spotlighting old promo images of talents who no longer work for IMPACT/TNA, and that would've sent out mixed messages.

However, nostalgia is going to be a powerful tool for TNA's relaunch.

A return to the old Impact Zone for a nostalgic party stacked full of Easter egg moments and retro goodies sounds fun. Or, if they're feeling up to it and the venue's infrastructure allows for it, then TNA could even go back to where it all began at the quaint Nashville Fairgrounds and go proper old-school.

Hosting the occasional "TNA Old-School" special would be perfectly fine provided there's still more emphasis placed on the current crop and ongoing storylines creative wants fans to invest in. WWE has already shown just how intoxicating nostalgia can be, so why not?

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.